At the heart of the Universal Fluid Services (UFS) Application Excellence* business model is a collaborative four-step approach 1. Evaluate,
2. Advise, 3. Execute, and 4. Assess. It is our commitment to involve and inform our customers every step of the way that defines our commitment to developing long-lasting partnerships. It is our promise to be transparent in our practices, thorough in our recommendations and project recaps, and unmatched communicators throughout the entire term of the project.
During the Assessment Phase of every UFS drilling project, the Drilling Specialist, 1. Collects all fluids-related performance data, 2. Prepares a project recap, 3. Meets with Drilling Company personnel and presents a post-project analysis for a discussion of successes and shortcomings during the execution phase of the project, and 4. Plans for future projects.
In all customer interactions we strive to be:
- Clear
- Thorough
- Collaborative
Below are examples of actual end-of-well presentation materials.